Past Events
Freddie Celebration Days 2016
The Montreux Celebration Association was created on June 30, 2016 by Norbert Muller, Diane Gagnon, Laurent Antoine and Sandra Melis, after the dissolution of montreuxmusic and following the request of many fans. The Association has been officialy registered in the Trade Register.
Montreux Celebration does not want to forget the musical history of Montreux.
So, every first weekend of September, to mark the anniversary of Freddie, concerts and special events are offered to fans around his statue in Montreux.
Saturday, September 3rd
Welcome to all fans around the Freddie Mercury statue where they were able to discover stalls with food and drinks and plenty of Queen music. During the day, several boat trips to the Lake House with Peter Freestone were organized.
Meanwhile Peter has sold and signed his brand new book "Freddie Mercury's Royal Recipes".
At 6pm, the Royal Squeeze Box, accordion and voice duet, gave a moving performance at St. Vincent's Temple and, at 8pm, a Queen-themed disco was organized by Jacky Smith at the NED Club.
Sunday September 4th
Peter Freestone was present at the food & beverage stall and signed his book for all the fans interested. The Royal Squeeze Box gave a lot of emotions to all fans around the statue with their Queen songs.
The birthday party, organized by the Mercuy Phoenix Trust, called "Freddie 70 years" started at 17:30 at the Casino.

Guided tours and exclusive events are organised in Montreux, follow in the footsteps of Freddie Mercury!

Montreux Events is your preferred partner for organising public and private events in the Montreux-Riviera region.

The Mercury Phoenix Trust is fighting HIV/AIDS around the world, support their action!